This image was taken in May 2003 in the campground near Toroweap Overlook on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon at the end of a 60 mile dirt road. The thunderstorm across the canyon drenched our campsite a few hours later (we retreated into the car for a couple hours). This image was taken with my old Fuji FinePix 2650, the lens was set to 6mm (equivalent to 42mm in 35mm format). The exposure was 1/9 seconds at f/3.5, ISO 100. Toroweap is a wonderful place with great views. THere are a number of cinder cones in the area, particularly across the canyon. Vulcans Throne is a cinder cone which caused Lava Falls, a lava flow that drops 3000 feet into the Canyon below. The Lava Falls rapids is a highlight for river runners (we saw a group of them go through the rapids when we visited the Overlook the next morning). At one time, a lava flow dammed the river which eventually breached the natural dam and eroded it away - nature has done what man has done at places like Glen Canyon and downstream at Lake Mead.