Pima Canyon lies on the western end of the Santa Catalina Mountains north of Tucson at the base of Pusch Peak and Pusch ridge. You can follow the Pima Canyon Trail all the way to the top of the Catalinas of you like, or you can follow it just far enough to get a great view of the city. My Dad and I followed it just over 1.5 miles in, to a special area that is as lush as any place around southern Arizona that I've seen. This is the view from the trail just as you begin to enter the canyon itself, looking into the northeast trending canyon. I used my 24mm lens on this shot and converted it to B&W with a blue filter in Picasa. The exposure was 1/200 seconds at f/8, ISO 100.

I've never hiked Pima Canyon. Does it have a stream in any part of it? Love that lone cactus shot.
Yes, there's a stream in the bottom, but most of the year its dry. We saw about 2 or 3 pools in the canyon while hiking - particularly in the area we hiked up to about 1.5 miles in. I've seen it as a running stream, but not for a long time and never very strong.
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