This is the eastern of the two hangers remaining at the Tucson Downtown Airport. After the airport closed, this area was occupied by the owners, but after it was recently sold, it was partly demolished. Now, it is occupied by some homeless folks and I found some artifacts including bedding and lanterns inside. I wonder what sort of airplanes once resided in these hangers? This image was taken with the kit lens at 18mm focal length on my 20D with an exposure of 1/500 seconds at f/11, ISO 400.

Thank you for the write-up and "flight down memory lane". I can understand how that was your Universe. As the flight instructor at that airport you probably remember an aircraft used for instruction there in the late sixties and early seventies. The tandem tail dragger I believe was a Piper. It had a 12/1 glide ratio and could glide most of the way from Ryan Field where we practiced touch-and-go landings back to the Downtown Airport. Do you know of any photos of the aircraft? I would love to see it again. I wonder what became of it.
Thanks again for the memory.
Looks like I confused the person who took the photos of "My Universe" with the flight instructor from the sixties. Sorry.
I figured that is what happened. Thanks for the comments. It's nice to hear from folks that might have input on places like this. Last time I drove past the area, there is lots of building going on (I think its the UofA's BIO5 project) and I think the hangers are all gone now.
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